Senate Jobs Bill Achieves Cloture with Five Republican Votes

A Senate measure designed to spur job creation moved forward last night, as five Republicans joined with their Democratic colleagues to push measure over the 60 vote procedural barrier. At the core of this proposal is a measure similar to one proposed by NDN, Senators Schumer and Hatch, and the White House that puts 13 billion dollars into temporarily reducing the payroll tax for new hires. 

The Senate’s newest member, Scott Brown, led the way for Republicans to join the measure, and was followed by Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, George Voinovich, and Christopher Bond. What’s curious is that Orrin Hatch, who coauthored an op-ed proposing the measure with Schumer, and that many other Republicans did not vote for the measure. After all, it’s a tax cut for small businesses.

The Senate should be congratulated for moving this measure forward, as should those who voted for it from both parties.  I remain confused by exactly what kind of tax cut needs to be proposed to get more Republicans than three from New England and two who are retiring to vote for it.

For more on this measure, please see: