What is Global Mobile?

What is this indeed?  Good question.  Thanks for asking.  So we're two months and 37 posts into Global Mobile.  The last time I did one of these mumbling-out-loud self-evaluations, I explained for you the background of this new project-- how NDN arrived in this space, and what we've done here in years past. Today, I'm going to try to draw a few vague boundaries, and try to describe what the oft-nebulous subject matter of this blog really is.

Clearly, we're not just talking about mobile technology here-- not just cell phones or smart phones or wireless broadband.  I've written a fair bit about fiber-optic internet access, too, and of course about the applications and services that run on all that hardware. It's about all these things, but more broadly, it's about the single, vast, global network that ties most of the world together. To use the technical shorthand, we're talking about ICTs (information and communication technologies).  All this notwithstanding, I'm keeping "global mobile" as my blog's title because, to be frank, I like it when things rhyme.

So, to put it in a slightly cumbersome tagline: this blog is about the ways the global information and communication network is changing societies and improving lives around the world.  Sound good?

And since we're here, I'll keep my promise of a video every Friday: This is Tom Kalil, the Deputy Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, talking earlier this summer at an event we hosted launching the Vodafone Foundation/UN Foundation report "mHealth for Development." Enjoy!