Wednesday: Congressman Adam Smith and Journalist Peter Bergen on Afghanistan
Please join NDN on the evening of Wednesday, October 28 for an important discussion on the future of America’s involvement in Afghanistan. Leading the conversation will be two influential and knowledgeable guests: Congressman Adam Smith, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities of the House Armed Services Committee, and journalist Peter Bergen, the Co-Director of the New America Foundation’s Counterterrorism Strategy Initiative.
Congressman Smith will speak about his recent official trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Congressional outlook on the report on the war prepared by General Stanley McChrystal, and the Obama Administration's strategy. Bergen, who has visited Afghanistan frequently since 1993, will discuss the definition and possibility of American success in Afghanistan.
A brief reception including drinks and light hors d'oeuvre will begin at 6:30, with the discussion beginning at 7:00pm. If you are unable to attend, a live webcast will begin at 7:00pm as well.
NDN Event Space
729 15th St. NW, First Floor
Washington, DC
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