Now Reading: TNR's Crowley on the Obama Foreign Policy Process

The New Republic's Michael Crowley has a piece up today on the Obama foreign policy process. It's an insight into the President’s emphasis on process and inclusion as well as how hands on he really is on foreign policy. It's worth reading the whole thing, but here's an excerpt:

In the normal course of Washington events, the creation of talking points often involves several aides, who bicker and rewrite for hours until they've come up with a simple message for their boss. In the Bush administration, that process might have been perverted so that the vice president was telling his nominal boss what to say. But the Obama administration apparently operates differently. Rather than calling in his top foreign policy aides or formulating a stance that advanced his own agenda, Biden turned directly to Barack Obama. "The vice president said, 'What do you want me to say?' And the president and the vice president sat down and did them together," explains a senior White House aide. "And then they presented them to us."

Crowley covers Gitmo, Iran, General Jones, and more.