Monday Buzz: Obama's Decisive Phase, the Hispanic Wild-Card, NDN Internazionale, More

Simon was quoted this week in a major Financial Times piece by Ed Luce about the Obama presidency entering its definitional phase:

"President Obama was elected to make Washington work in the national, not the special, interest," says Simon Rosenberg, head of NDN, a prominent liberal advocacy group. "The greatest threat to his personal brand would be the sense that rather than taming Washington, it had tamed him - that rather than the visionary leadership he promised, he was just another politician."

The article was also reprinted in Spanish in Expansion. His quote even made its way into Europa in Italian.

NDN's demographic work also received some attention this week. Our work on Hispanics was featured in the Examiner:

On July 2, I did an article on why Republican dominance is on its way out in Arizona, “The elephant has left the room Arizona so you’d better get used to it,” that emphasized the new Independent voter impact—more Democrat, more moderate—as well as the increase in the Hispanic vote. Washington, D.C. think Tank, NDN, believes Hispanic voters could turn Arizona into a Blue state.

Meanwhile, our work with Millennials was featured in Forbes:

Then we have the X generation, who, if anything, has favored large homes and exurbs in large numbers. In addition, behind them lie the large cohorts of millenials, who according to surveys conducted by generational chroniclers Morley Winograd and Mike Hais, prioritize the ownership idea even more than their boomer parents do.

No doubt, the weak economy will slow this generation's push into the home market. However, by the next decade, as this generation enters the late 20s and early 30s, they will find their economic footing and be ready to enter the market for houses in a big way.